Friday, 21 March 2008

The Driller

The Driller
The concept developed from a dream about being in a room where it was raining. I had painted the floor a mustard Yellow in order to distinguish the space of the studio from my own space.
I had also had a daydream that involved "Dancing in the Dark" by "Bruce Springsteen". This is yet to be made but involves the yellow floor.
I had assembled hooks into the ceiling to hold three buckets containing water. The water was the same water used in "Fish Tank" and had a strong aroma. There was a circle of leaves on the ground which where the same as the "Tent Film" and "Fish Tank". There was a chair that was used to stand on in the film "Fish Tank". It also featured the same to characters from "Paint Brush Head Man" still covered in paint.
The idea originally was that there was a man standing on an unstable drill holes in buckets above and the water was soaking him underneath. He would eventually run out of water and when this happened he could stop drilling and open his umbrella. However the umbrella part was removed and the theme of leaving a certain amount of unknown became apparent in this film also. I also wanted the water to remove the leaves to expose the floor under it, painted yellow.
In the end it became quite a tragic scene and struggle. I had looked back on what the response had been to the length other films and decided to make this quite short. It was also the fact that once the water had gone there was little or no action left to perform. When doing short performances it is difficult to get into a zone that allows you to act out of your self. However I also think I can effectively hold the attention to the viewer in an age of visual communication. This is a question that will arise often in the creation of these performances.

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